Enjoy learning English

viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

Reviewing present simple & present simple verb tenses

Carry out these fun activities to review the present simple and present continuous verb tenses.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello!! Your blog is very original such as the title “Learn English as easy as a pie” (but I do not think that cooking a pie is very easy XDD). I really like the colours that you have used but if it is a blog for small students, I think that you should put more photos and images because in that way it will be more appealing to them.
    The activities posted are very interesting because you have used plenty of different activities (specific vocabulary for breakfast, hotpotatoes activities, a voki and even there is a podcast in order to learn the English alphabet) AMAZING!!! Through these activities, students can practice the different skills while they are having a good time.
    Furthermore, some drawbacks have been found such as the level of the students (I suppose that is around 10-12 years old because of the use of present simple and present continuous or the past). Moreover, the index is very little (in the left part) and the students will find difficult to find a specific activity or the skills that they are going to develop.
    Do not worry about my opinion because you have made a great effort and you will obtain a high mark.


    Mª Esther Campo
